Orange County Family Law Attorney

Family law is the branch of civil law that pertains to legal cases among family and household members. These cases can carry significant implications for those involved, potentially for many years or even the rest of their lives. Additionally, family court cases are inherently emotionally stressful for those involved. For these and many other reasons, it is crucial to have an Orange County family law attorney you can trust as you enter the family court system for any case.

Orange County Family Law Attorney

Representing Orange County, CA, Clients in Family Court

The Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, can provide the compassionate legal counsel you need when facing any type of family court case. Whether you are filing for divorce in Orange County, preparing for adoption, or bracing for a difficult child custody dispute, we have the resources and experience necessary to guide you toward a favorable outcome of your case.

Hollie A. Lemkin is a Certified Family Law Specialist, serving the communities surrounding Orange County since 2001. Our CA family law firm always takes a family-first approach, and we work to help our clients achieve comfort and security through their cases. We want to help families and individuals with their family law cases, so we focus on learning the family’s circumstances as we formulate a strategy for their unique situation.

Benefits of Hiring an Orange County Family Law Attorney You Can Trust

orange county family law lawyer

Understanding the value of having legal counsel you can trust as you enter the family court system is crucial. The right attorney can help you meet all the procedural demands of your case efficiently. Many family law cases involve highly stressful issues like child custody, spousal support, and other financial and emotionally straining issues. An attorney is useful in managing the legal details of a case and helping it go more smoothly.

This prevents administrative red tape and other technicalities from interfering with your case’s progress. For example, most family law cases require the parties involved to submit extensive documentation and records to the court. Your legal team can assist with this process and manage all your other case proceedings on your behalf so you can focus on your family and household.

Your impending family court case may involve several legal matters you cannot resolve on your own. You may also face extensive economic difficulties from your case, and an attorney is an invaluable resource for addressing these issues. Ultimately, every family law case is unique, but every client benefits from having trustworthy legal counsel advising them.

When you choose the Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, to represent you in Orange County family court, we will take as much time as necessary to learn the finer points of your case. We’ll get to know you, the details of your situation, and your hopes and goals concerning the potential outcomes of your case. This ensures we provide the individualized legal counsel you need to navigate your case as efficiently and successfully as possible.

At the Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, we understand that you are more than just the facts of your case. As an experienced and knowledgeable family law firm, we are the professionals you need on your side. Having compassionate, effective allies for your case can make your life considerably easier during this time, as they can navigate court processes and manage your case. You can focus on your family and your own needs, and your attorney can help you make informed choices about your family law case.

Types of Family Law Cases We Handle

If you need legal representation for a family court case in Orange County, CA, you must select an attorney with experience handling cases like yours. Every family law case will have its own challenges, but an attorney with experience in your field is important. Your attorney is better equipped to handle the specific needs of your case, including avoiding common mistakes and applying useful solutions in mediations.

The Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, has cultivated a strong reputation as a leading choice for family law representation in Orange County. We know the local judges and what they look for in the family court cases they oversee. Her experience in Orange County makes her a powerful ally in these cases. We also know the common challenges facing local clients in the Orange County family court system, such as the procedural requirements they must fulfill for their cases to unfold.

Years of experience and knowledge of the family court system make our firm the wise choice for families with cases involving family law.

Our team has extensive professional experience with many types of family law cases, including:


Divorce is one of the most complex situations in a person’s life. In divorce, there may be considerations of property division, child custody and support, and spousal support. These can all be contentious issues, which is why you should have experienced legal representation through this process.

However, some divorces are uncontested, which means that both sides agree on its terms. A family lawyer can mediate discussions between the spouses, keeping them both amicable and productive.

Nevertheless, many divorces are contested and require court dates to resolve the issues involved. It is wise to have a family lawyer represent you in court, as your former spouse has likely done the same. An attorney knows the intricacies of family law, allowing them to outmaneuver you in legal proceedings if you don’t have representation of your own.

The legal process of ending your marriage is likely to be more detailed than you initially expected, and the right divorce attorney is essential for securing a favorable outcome to dissolution proceedings in California. The outcome of a divorce case will determine your future. It’s important to choose an attorney who understands your rights and Orange County law.

Property Division

One of the most important facets of any California divorce is property division, the legal process of dividing marital property in a divorce. California enforces a community property law that many find inflexible, but a good attorney can ensure you secure the most optimal outcome possible from your property division determination.

California is a 50-50 state for property division, and it mandates that property be divided equally in a divorce or separation. A skilled lawyer can represent you in determining what property you have a claim to.

In general, community property is that which was acquired during the marriage. Orange County regards marital property as community property, and it must be divided equally between both spouses. Separate property includes property that was acquired before the marriage or after the partners have separated. It will not be divided in a divorce or separation.

Additionally, any property that was designated for one spouse or the other in a marital agreement will also be considered separate property. When spouses do not have a marital agreement, they can either negotiate a separation agreement with an experienced attorney, or the division of their property is left to the discretion of a family law judge. An attorney can mediate negotiations or represent a spouse in court.

Child Custody Disputes

Child custody cases are emotionally stressful for parents, especially when the final decision is left to the court. The Orange County family court must resolve any custody dispute, ruling in favor of the child’s interests. Therefore, we can help a client prepare a strong custody case and understand what their forthcoming proceedings are likely to entail. The child’s age and health, mental well-being, and their emotional ties to each parent, their school, and their community will all be considered when determining child custody in California.

Our legal team consists of compassionate professionals who seek to resolve child custody disputes amicably. Our approach is mindful that both parties may share child custody responsibilities and visitation. California courts often prefer parents who are able to work together in their child’s interests. Therefore, professionalism is stressed, as that can help convince a judge that the child’s interests are well-served by being in your custody.

Our experienced and dedicated team can strongly defend your position and argue the merits of the case. We can develop a strategy that benefits your family and their interests.

Spousal Support/Alimony Determination

Some divorces result in one spouse paying spousal support or alimony. Most of these arrangements are temporary, designed to provide a lower-earning spouse with the flexibility to maintain their standard of living and establish a new independent lifestyle. The amount paid typically hinges on the difference between the spouses’ incomes, and the time payments must continue generally depends on how long the marriage lasted.

For either party in a divorce, the allocation of future money is a crucial consideration, particularly because a divorce has a significant impact on each spouse’s income and assets. Spousal support can quickly become a very contentious issue in a divorce, as it will greatly determine the quality of life for the spouse who receives it and the spouse who pays it. An experienced family law attorney can represent the interests of either party to achieve their desired outcome.

Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, thousands of people throughout California experience various forms of domestic violence each year. Domestic violence is any intentional harm caused within a personal relationship.

Domestic violence relates to assault, battery, and sexual assault. Intimidation, stalking, and manipulation are also domestic violence offenses. The people involved do not have to be married. A domestic violence situation can involve two or more in a personal relationship who live together, including children, spouses, grandparents, or romantic partners who are not married.

These cases typically spill over from the criminal court system into the family court, with defendants losing their custody and visitation rights and potentially facing more severe penalties as well. We can help a client secure a protective order and ensure the family court gives their experience the appropriate consideration it deserves. Your safety and security are of the utmost importance. Choose an attorney who can fight on your behalf to get the resolution you deserve.


If you have a family court order already but recently experienced a major change in your life, you may no longer be able to abide by the terms of your court order. In this situation, you can file a petition for modification, requesting necessary and reasonable changes to your family court order that more accurately reflect your new circumstances.

For example, you may have lost your job, or your spouse may have picked up more hours at work and can no longer spend as much time with the children. If this happens, an attorney can help you file a request for modification. There must be a significant change for this petition to be successful. A family law attorney can help you determine if a modification is possible in your case.

Complex Considerations

It’s vital to remember that many family court cases involve multiple issues. The clearest example of this is divorce. Most divorcing couples will need to resolve child custody, child support, property division, alimony, and a host of other issues, depending on the details of their case. Therefore, it’s vital to have flexible and responsive legal representation available to answer questions and address concerns as your case unfolds.

Many couples divorcing in California choose alternative dispute resolution, saving time and money while avoiding the stress of litigation. This may not be viable for every divorce, but there is almost always some potential to privately negotiate divorce terms before entering the courtroom. When you choose the Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, to represent you in divorce, we can help you take advantage of divorce mediation or other alternative dispute resolution to streamline your case. You will likely need to resolve some measure of your case in litigation; we can also represent you through this phase.

Ultimately, many cases unfold in family court, some of which are very complex, emotionally stressful, and challenging. Our firm can provide ongoing support as your case progresses through the family court system. You may also need to return to family court in the future to modify an existing court order, and we can assist with this as well. For the most optimal chances of successfully resolving your impending family law case, reach out to an Orange County family law attorney you can trust as soon as possible.

FAQs About Orange County, CA Family Laws

How Much Does an Orange County Family Law Attorney Cost to Hire?

It’s natural to worry about the potential cost of your legal fees as a family court case begins. Most family lawyers charge clients by the hour. The exact cost of your family law case will rely on the type of case and its complexity. A case requiring a great deal of time and effort from the attorney will translate to higher legal fees. Before signing a contract with an attorney agreeing to their representation, ensure you fully understand their billing policy.

How Much Is My Divorce Going to Cost in Orange County?

Divorce is a notoriously stressful and expensive process. Uncontested divorces are rare, and the time required to complete a divorce translates to greater legal costs for both spouses. Additionally, divorce can impact your life and your personal finances in various ways. For example, you may face long-term financial obligations to your ex in the form of child support and/or alimony. Under California’s community property law, you will also need to part with a significant portion of your marital property.

What Can an Orange County Family Law Attorney Do for Me?

A good family law attorney is an invaluable resource, no matter what your case entails. Many family court cases are multifaceted, such as divorce cases that require couples to resolve custody of their children, division of their property, and various other matters. Your legal team can help you approach each phase of your case with confidence and peace of mind. In addition, they’ll help with the financial aspects of your divorce and guide you through alternative dispute resolution, if possible.

Is It Worth Hiring an Orange County Family Law Attorney?

Hiring the right attorney to help you through your family court case can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your case and the quality of your overall experience in the family court system. One of the most significant choices you make will be the selection of an attorney. Your way of life depends on the outcome of your family law case, so choose wisely. Partner with a skilled and compassionate family law attorney who can learn your family’s needs and interests and advocate for a strong solution.

While you may have concerns about the potential cost of legal fees, your attorney can provide tremendous value to your case in multiple ways. Consider the legal fees as an investment in your quality of life. Therefore, invest in your future with quality legal representation. Therefore, it is always worth investing in legal counsel you can trust.

Contact The Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC

The Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, provides compassionate, client-focused legal representation in every family law case we accept. Our team understands the emotional weight these cases carry and the many questions our clients often have. As a result, we can provide the ongoing support and counsel you need to navigate your impending case as successfully as possible. If you’re ready to learn how an Orange County family law attorney can assist you with your case, contact the Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, today and schedule a consultation with our team.

About Lemkin Law

Hollie Lemkin is the daughter, granddaughter, sister, and aunt to lawyers. She knows that Family Law is about more than winning. It is about inflicting the least amount of collateral damage on your children and putting your family in the most advisable possible position moving forward. A passionate trial lawyer, she will never back down from a fight.

She is exactly the attorney you want in your corner.

Call today to speak with Hollie A. Lemkin to discuss your questions & issues!


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