Orange County Divorce Rate – Latest Statistics [Updated 2024]

Divorce rates in Orange County are among some of the highest in the United States.

February 21, 2024

Divorce rates in Orange County are among some of the highest in the United States. For those in the area who are going through a divorce, an experienced Orange County divorce lawyer can be a vital resource. The divorce process can become difficult and complicated. With several factors on which to come to an agreement, such as child support, asset division, and alimony, a divorce attorney can be a pivotal resource.

Common Causes for Divorce in California

Often, a divorce is caused by a combination of different factors. However, some reasons are more common than others. Some of the most common causes of divorce in the state of California include:

  • Infidelity. Adulterous acts or cheating by one spouse could lead to a divorce.
  • Abuse or domestic violence. Any form of violence within a marriage could result in a divorce.
  • Conflict. A marriage that involves too much fighting and conflict can quickly become unbearable and force both parties to want a divorce.
  • Addiction or substance abuse. If one spouse has a substance abuse problem, it could quickly dampen the relationship and lead to a divorce.
  • Financial stress. Financial stress can heavily weigh on a marriage and be a cause for divorce.

Divorce Rate in Orange County

The divorce rate in Orange County is currently higher than that of most other regions in California and the US, and it is expected to continue to rise. Every day, many people file for divorce in Orange County.

Understanding Orange County Divorce Rates

The divorce rate in Orange County is high due to several contributing factors specific to this region:

  • Financial stress. Financial stress could be the number one factor contributing to the high divorce rate. Orange County has one of the highest costs of living in the country, and that can put a significant strain on families and marriages. Financial problems can quickly cause stress, conflict, and divorce between spouses.
  • Culture and lifestyle. Orange County has a wide range of cultures and lifestyles. There could be differences in beliefs, values, and traditions that contribute to the divorce rate.
  • Infidelity. With the age of social media so prevalent, this could lead to increases in infidelity or trust concerns within marriages. Orange County is full of tourist spots and social clubs that could lead to higher rates of infidelity in marriages.
  • A high median income. It is also important to note that the median household income in Orange County is higher than the national average. It is not uncommon for people living in this area to have fairly substantial wealth. The division of wealth could also be a leading cause of the high divorce rate. Couples who make a substantial amount of money can afford a lengthy divorce process, and they are also likely to argue over the distribution of assets.


Q: What Is the Divorce Rate in Orange County?

A: The divorce rate in Orange County is higher than the national average, meaning those who live in the area are more likely to get divorced.

There are several factors that contribute to this high divorce rate. These factors include income, race, age, and education, among other things. The median income in Orange County is higher than the national average, meaning that it is possible that more couples are able to afford divorce.

Q: What Is the Average Length of Marriage in California?

A: The average length of a marriage in California is about nine years. The average length of marriages has decreased year over year since the 1990s, and this is largely attributed to the high cost of living and financial insecurity experienced by many couples in California. About a third of divorces in California have some form of financial stress listed as being the reason for divorce. Almost all divorces in California are uncontested, meaning that both parties agree to end the marriage amicably.

Q: What Is the Ten-Year Rule for Marriage in California?

A: The ten-year rule for marriage in California means that marriages that last ten or more years are considered long-term. For short-term marriages, spousal support could be awarded for half of the length of the marriage. For marriages or ten or more years, spousal support will likely have to be paid for a longer period of time, and it could even be indefinite. However, alimony is not automatically indefinite, and it could not be awarded at all. Many factors will be considered when determining spousal support.

Q: Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During a Separation?

A: It is possible that a husband may have to support his wife during a separation under California state law. There are several instances of spouses electing to separate in which the husband, if the main income provider for the relationship, is ordered to support the wife throughout the separation. Each case is different and unique in its own way, and there could be different factors and details related to the case. These orders can be temporary or permanent, depending on the specific circumstances.

A Legal Team That Supports You

Divorces can be physically, mentally, and emotionally draining for all parties involved, especially if there is a lack of cooperation between the spouses or their legal teams. If you are expecting to go through a divorce in the state of California, it is a wise idea to engage the help of a divorce attorney. It is very likely that the opposing spouse will have legal counsel on their side, so you’ll want to make sure you have an attorney fighting for your interests as well.

The legal team at the Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin, APC, has over twenty years of experience in resolving family court cases under California state law. We understand the stress and anxiety that it can cause to individuals who are going through the process. Contact our team today and allow us to guide you through the process. We can ensure that all of the necessary documents and timelines are met so that you get the fair and equitable resolution you deserve.

Call today to speak with Hollie A. Lemkin to discuss your questions & issues!


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