How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation is an option for uncontested divorces

February 28, 2020

If you are considering divorce, one of the options that you have available to you is mediation. If you believe that you can have a more amicable divorce, and one in which both spouses will take the opportunity to find mutual agreements for difficult and challenging topics such as child custody, child visitation, or division of property, you should consider divorce mediation. If you are considering divorce mediation, understanding the process and how to prepare can help ensure that you feel comfortable with the process and that your legal rights are protected.

Who Participates in Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation in the State of California will include you, your spouse, a neutral party called a mediator and each spouse’s attorney, if requested. These mediation sessions are completely private in order to foster discussion and compromise.

Preparation for Divorce Mediation

There are certain steps involved in the divorce mediation process. An experienced divorce and family law attorney can help you with the specifics you will need to undertake. The following is a brief overview of how to prepare for each step of the divorce mediation process.

  1. First Contact: You will visit on the phone with the mediator and provide all pertinent information. Your mediator may ask you to provide all of the important documents related to your divorce either now, or at a later time. Make sure to have a divorce file with all important papers such as financial documents or documents related to your children.
  2. First Meeting: This meeting will be an amicable introduction of all of the parties, where ground rules are established and documents are signed.
  3. Beginning Mediation: Both sides can present their case. If you are represented by an attorney, they should have all the pertinent documents needed for mediation. However, you should always have copies so that you are prepared in case questions arise or further discussion is warranted. Different topics that are unresolved will be discussed and options provided.
  4. Agreement: Hopefully, there will be some agreement on some of the points of contention. Any unresolved issues will require an additional meeting.
  5. Actual Negotiations: Negotiations may occur for any unresolved issues. Make sure to state your position clearly and in an amicable manner. You should prepare yourself that some of the discussions could be emotionally overwhelming and exhausting. Make sure to take care of yourself before, during and after these mediation sessions to ensure that you are emotionally equipped to handle these complex discussions.
  6. Final Resolutions: In many cases, mediation proves to be very successful in resolving complex legal matters between spouses.

Contact an Experienced Family Law Attorney

If you are considering mediation and would like to be represented by an attorney during this process to ensure that your rights are protected, contact an experienced family law attorney at the Law Offices of Hollie A. Lemkin at (949) 734-7300 or online today.

Call today to speak with Hollie A. Lemkin to discuss your questions & issues!


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