How to Hire a Divorce Attorney in Orange County, CA

Hire your trusted divorce attorney in Orange County, CA with Lemkin Law Firm. Take the first step towards a brighter future. Schedule a Free Consultation now.

February 10, 2022

A new year is a fresh start. So many people fill their schedules with new items. Busting through the first quarter with loads of agenda items. Sure people are thinking or planning divorce year-round but so many people intentionally wait through the holidays that divorce attorneys across the country see a bump in calls, website traffic and business in January and February.

Are you one of them?

It’s okay. You are not alone. It’s important to know that divorce is not a fast thing. And if you are still just in the planning of stages you should pace yourself. It takes a while to find the best attorney for your case. Then the case takes time. And lastly, there is a period until the divorce is final. Nothing is happening today, except research.

Your goal should be to research

Make a shortlist of a few attorneys. Chat them up on the phone and/or set appointments to meet with them. Try to be as consistent as possible as you share the facts of your case. If it helps you, write down the main points of your finances, your married life and why you are looking for a divorce.

There’s no prize for hiring a divorce attorney the fastest. Instead, take the time to find the right fit. Who you hire for your case will have a profound impact on the life of your entire family moving forward.

Give yourself some grace

It’s incredibly uncommon for a marriage to fall apart 100% because of one person. Be honest where you fell short, look at it head-on, and then give yourself grace. Say to yourself, even if you don’t believe it, that you did the best you could. You are still a good person and you will get through this season. You’ve made it this far and you will get through to the other side.

Your kids will be alright

It’s hard to see divorce as anything but a failure for parents. Everyone goes into marriage thinking it will be for a lifetime. And we all want what is best for our kids. You are a good parent who is showing your children that life has different stages. As divorce becomes more and more prevalent, there are so many more resources for you to help your children through this transition. They will be alright. You will provide as good or even better than you did when you were married.

You aren’t taking this decision lightly. You are strong and scrappy enough to read blog posts online. Take the next step and start making those calls. Hollie Lemkin doesn’t use any gatekeepers. Call 949-734-7300 and you can talk to her right now.

Call today to speak with Hollie A. Lemkin to discuss your questions & issues!


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